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What Chemicals Are on Copper Test Kit Strips?

Copper test kits are used to see if the mineral copper is in a public or private swimming pool and can be used to test a consumer's water supply. Copper will discolor the interior of the pool and will damage people's nails and hair through discoloration. High amounts of copper are also unhealthy to the human body if it is constantly consumed through the water supply. Using these test kits helps a pool cleaner or homeowner see if copper is the central problem with his water.
  1. How the Process Works

    • When kits are purchased, the cleaner is given a pad with many different colors of copper, with darker colors signifying high levels of copper. Test strips are given to the cleaner from the kit. The cleaner places the kit piece into water for about five seconds. Once the strip is removed, wait around a minute for the chemicals to settle. The strip should change colors and the consumer can compare the color of the test strip to a color pad that is part of the copper testing kit.

    What Is in the Test Strips

    • The test strips are made of copper ions. These ions attract copper molecules that are in the pool or water supply onto the strip. Hence, as time progresses, a person can notice the darkening of the strip from accumulating copper onto the strip.

    No Re-entrance of Copper

    • Consumers do not have to worry about copper re-entering the pool or water supply after using a test strip. The tests ask consumers to take a small amount of the water from the pool or other water supply and test it there. A person does not need to put the actual test strip into the water supply. This stops any more copper, especially copper ions, from entering the water supply.

    2-2' Biquinoline

    • 2-2' Biquinoline is also on the test strips. 2-2' Biquinoline is a nitrogen compound that serves as an antiseptic mechanism on the testing strip. This allows any pathogens to bacterial life forms to be destroyed. With all bacterial, fungal or plant-like organisms in the water killed, the results will not be influenced or biased as a result of organic compounds in the water sample