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What Kind of Salt Do I Use With a Pool Chlorinator?

Saltwater pool filters are a less harsh alternative to chlorine. Swimmers who are sensitive to chlorine benefit most from a saltwater filtration system. The salt produces its own chlorine levels, which are less than that of a chlorine filter. The filter works by adding salt to the system which is then turned into a sanitizer for the water.
  1. How It Works

    • Chlorine generators, also known as saltwater filter systems, are ideal for people who are particularly sensitive to chlorine. It eliminates the need to purchase chlorine because the system, by way of salt additives, produces its own chlorine through a generator cell, a vital part of the saltwater filter system. When water goes through the salt filter, it releases chlorinated water that is capable of sanitizing your swimming pool. The chlorine content is much lower than with a standard chlorine system, with no more than 1.0 parts per million of chlorine present in the water at any given time. A standard chlorine system can have as much as 10 ppm in the water. Less chlorine is required to sanitize the water with a saltwater system.


    • Many types of salt are acceptable for the saltwater system. The only type of salt you should avoid is rock salt because it contains too many impurities and can lead to a chlorine imbalance in the pool. The types of salt you can use in the filter include standard table or household salt, water softener pellets, solar salt flakes, water conditioner salt or brine blocks. Add salt that is as pure as possible with little additives. Avoid salt that doesn't contain iodine.

    When To Add Salt

    • Saltwater filter systems have an indicator on the cell generator that informs you when it's time to add salt to the system. Many generators have a digital output that tells you the exact level of salt in the system. Meanwhile, older models will only have a low salt indicator. Saltwater levels should not exceed 4,000 ppm. When the pool is first started, it will take a lot of salt to start up the filter. After that point, you only have to add salt as indicated by the cell generator.


    • Saltwater filters require fewer chemicals to maintain the pool. The levels of chlorine are more effective on the overall quality of the pool water. This means the alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness and stabilizer levels rarely go out of balance. You need to test the water weekly with saltwater test strips to ensure the water chemistry is in proper balance. The saltwater filter has an adjustment setting on the generator that allows you to control the amount of chlorine the cell generator outputs. This is useful during heavy swimmer usage or on extremely hot days where more chlorine is needed to sanitize the water.