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What Is Brown Stuff on Top of Pool Water?

If you have noticed brown stuff on the top of your pool water, it may be caused by several different problems. Keeping a pool clean can be difficult work and if the chemical balance is off, or the pool has not been cleaned recently, it is all too common to see a myriad of different things floating on top of the water.
  1. Algae

    • Algae is very common in swimming pools, particularly if the chemical balance in the water is not exact. Brown algae may look disgusting, but it is not a harmful type of algae. That said, you don't really want it floating in the water with you either. When this type of algae is spotted, it should be scooped out with a cleaning net, and the pH of the pool should be tested to determine what chemicals need to be added to reduce the formation of future algae blooms.


    • Another common reason for brown stuff in the water is simple dirt. If you have potted plants or grassy areas near your pool, this will be very common. In addition, if you allow pets to swim in the pool, you are also likely to see dirt floating on the surface of the water. In this instance, scoop out the dirt and then thoroughly run the pool cleaner to remove any more particles from the water.


    • Debris such as leaves is common, especially as the summer ends. This debris can accumulate on the surface, and may cause the pool filter to clog if it is allowed to build up. If you notice small pieces of leaves in the water, remove them and then consider placing netting over the pool or draining it for the season. It is much easier to prevent this problem before numerous leaves start to fall than to deal with a bunch of leaves in your pool.

    Preventing These Problems

    • Proper cleaning and maintenance can reduce the risk of seeing brown stuff on top of pool water. The pool should be cleaned at least once a week to remove dirt and debris, as well as to spot any signs of algae formation. The water should be tested and the proper balance of chemicals should be applied on a regular basis. If you are in doubt about how to properly care for your pool, consider hiring a pool cleaning company to take care of the problem.