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How to Keep Pigeons Out of Pool

Pigeons originally came to North America with the Europeans as domesticated animals, according to the University of Florida. However, some escaped and a wild population of pigeons now exists in most U.S. cities. Although pigeons cause no physical damage to property, their droppings are a health risk, especially in pool areas. Using a variety of scare tactics keeps them out of the pool and encourages them to seek a new roosting location.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic owls
  • String
  • Threaded hook (optional)
  • Garden hose
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      Locate plastic owls at home improvement and hardware stores, which are predators of the pigeons and scare them away. You need at least three to four owls to space them around the pool.

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      Locate the hanging hole at the top of the owls and tie the end of a string through it tightly. If no hole exists, simply wrap the string around the owl and secure it firmly. Use enough string so the owl hangs 12 to 24 inches below the mounting location, causing it to sway.

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      Look around the pool area and locate trees, fences and buildings you can use as a hanging location. Choose areas that are as close to the pool as possible but spaced out around the perimeter.

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      Wrap the free end of the string around a thin tree branch, fence post or other location and tie it in a knot on itself to secure it. If there is no good location to tie the string, insert a threaded hook into a wood area and tie the string onto the hook.

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      Attach a garden hose to an outdoor spigot and stretch it out to the pool area. When you see pigeons at any time, spray them immediately with water from the hose to scare them off. Do this particularly at dusk for three to four nights and the pigeons will leave because they feel unsafe.