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The Primary Functions for Maintaining the Water Quality in a Swimming Pool

Swimming pools must be maintained properly in order for them to remain crystal clear and safe to swim in. Pool owners must follow through with routine maintenance and pay attention to details to minimize problems that affect the water's quality. Keep the water in your pool clean by testing the water, cleaning your filter, and adjusting chemicals only when necessary.
  1. Filter

    • The filter keeps your pool free of dirt and debris that otherwise would give your water a cloudy appearance. When the pressure gauge on your filter indicates a reading of eight to 10 pounds per square inch above its normal operating pressure, the filter needs to be cleaned. Sand and diatomaceous earth filters are cleaned via backwashing, which involves reversing the flow of water through the filter to flush out particles. To clean cartridge filters, remove them from their holding container and rinse them thoroughly.

    Water Testing

    • Water testing is the single most important aspect of pool maintenance outside of monitoring your filter. Testing the water lets you know what chemicals need to be added. Invest in a quality water testing kit or testing strips to give you an accurate reading. A majority of testing kits come equipped with a color-coded chart that indicates the recommended levels of chlorine, chlorine stabilizer, pH and total alkalinity. Test the water once a week.


    • Sanitizers keep the water clear and safe from microorganisms. When the water is properly sanitized, the need to balance other chemicals such as pH and alkalinity is less likely to be needed. The most popular sanitizer involves a chlorine system, but alternatives exist, such as using ozone or salt-water systems. Purchase a testing kit that corresponds to the type of sanitizer that you use, and sanitize your pool as recommended by the testing kit and based on the size of your pool.

    Water Capacity

    • Chemicals are measured in terms of water capacity in gallons. It becomes easier to adjust the chemical levels of your pool if you figure out the water gallon capacity, which involves multiplying the pool's length, width, depth, and a multiplier that corresponds to either a rectangular or round pool. Only adjust the pH, stabilizer and alkalinity levels of your pool based on the pool's water gallon capacity. Be advised that certain chlorine products already contain chlorine stabilizer, which prevents the chlorine from breaking down in sunlight, eliminating the need to add a separate stabilizer.