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Can I Keep a Swimming Pool Closed During the Summer?

As much as you may want to enjoy a cool dip in your pool on a hot summer day, sometimes it may not be feasible. As a result, if you're unable to maintain the pool because of costs or time, or if you can't insure the pool against liabilities, closing your pool in the summer is a chore that you should take on for both cost and safety reasons.
  1. Drain Water

    • One of the key ingredients to closing a pool during the summer is to drain the water. When water is in a pool, it invites uninvited swimmers, which can pose as a safety hazard. Another problem with leaving water in the pool is it must be kept clean so not to attract bacteria and bugs -- more uninvited swimmers. Keeping a pool's water clean is expensive, so avoid the cost and drain the pool.


    • Purchase a cover for your pool at a pool supply store. Make sure it goes over the entire pool and it is built to last. Having a cover over the pool will keep swimmers from jumping in if you choose not to drain the pool, and it will keep skateboarders, debris and animals out if you do drain the pool.

    Remove Furniture, Equipment

    • Remove all of the furniture around the pool. You do not want visitors, who are lounging, to get any ideas about swimming in your pool. Also, remove all of the pool equipment including flotation devices, diving boards and ladders. The object is to make the pool a place that is no fun to hang around.

    Erect a Fence

    • One of the best ways to close your pool is to erect a fence around it. The depends on whether you have the room and money to complete the project. Once you erect a fence, make sure the gate is locked so potential swimmers do not enter the pool area.