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Green Swimming Pool Remedies

Green algae can appear in your swimming pool very quickly. The longer the algae has a chance to develop, the more difficult it will be to clean. As algae grows it makes the pool water green. Recognizing the onset of algae growth can help you prevent it. Remedies are also available to help clear the water up if its already turned green.
  1. Green Algae

    • Green algae is the most common type of algae form in swimming pools, but its also the easiest to eliminate. Green algae is known to appear in perfectly clean swimming pools, but most of the time it develops from pool-maintenance neglect. The water starts to get cloudy from a lack of pool sanitizers, such as chlorine, eventually turning green, sometimes very quickly. The water can turn green quicker in warm temperatures even when chemicals are maintained, because sanitizer is less effective.

    Brush, Vacuum and Backwash

    • The green algae not only turns the water green, but it forms on the pool ladder, pool wall and bottom. Connect your vacuum to the filter and brush the pool bottom clean. Purchase a soft nylon pool brush from your local pool supply retailer and brush the algae from the pool walls and accessories such as the ladder. You may need to do this again after adding the pool chemicals. Backwash and clean your filter after vacuuming and brushing the pool.


    • The best treatment in addition to brushing and vacuuming is to shock the swimming pool. Use a diluted solution of granular shock chemical added to the surface of the pool water will quickly elevate the chlorine levels of your pool. This will kill green algae and clear up your swimming pool. One pound of most granular shock treats up to 7,500 gallons of water. Add the shock and run the filter continuously until the water becomes clear. You may need to shock the pool more than once. Wait at least 24 hours before adding more shock.


    • Once the pool is clean and clear again begin using algaecide as part of your regular pool maintenance. Many people have a misconception that alagecide treats and cures algae conditions. In reality however, it's best used in the prevention of algae. Maintain your pool by vacuuming it regularly. Always test the water to make sure the chlorine levels are where they need to be in order to keep the pool bacteria free.