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Swimming Pool Maintenance During the Winter

Closing a swimming pool for the winter in a seasonal climate is a necessary task to preserve the life of the pool and its water. Once the pool is closed, there is very little to do besides waiting for the summer season to roll around. Successful execution of winterizing your swimming pool can ensure that the water remains clear and ready to use when winter is over.
  1. Materials Needed

    • To winterize the swimming pool, you need several materials to complete the job. You need shock, a freeze plug for the return jet, a skimmer cover and a winterizing kit, which can all be found at a pool supply retailer. The winterizing kit time-releases chlorine to keep the water sanitized during the winter months. A heavy-duty winter cover needs to be applied to the top of the pool with an air pillow beneath, lying in the center. The pillow directs precipitation to the sides of the cover, relieving pressure on the pool walls and railing. Without an air pillow, the water will rest in the center of the cover, which can cause the cover to rip; or worst-case scenario, if enough water is left on the cover, it can cause pool walls to buckle. This could happen because the cover is tied to the railings of the pool.


    • Balance your chemicals, then add a dosage of shock to your swimming pool. Let the filter run for 24 hours, and when all the chemicals are balanced, drain the water below the skimmer. Place the freeze plug in the return jet, and cover the skimmer. Disconnect the filter, and store it away for the winter. Fill the water back up to normal levels, and drop the winterizing kit in the water. Place the air pillow in the center of the pool, and place the cover on top of the surface. Tighten the cover as much as possible, tucking it underneath the pool railings.

    Snow and ice

    • Cleaning off the cover's surface is the only winter maintenance you must perform. Snow is at times extremely heavy and can place a lot of stress of a pool cover, even leading to tearing. You must remove the snow from the cover, in the same way you would remove snow from a roof, to relieve pressure. Do not let a lot of snow accumulate on the cover; remove it as soon as possible after a storm.

    Submersible Pump

    • Keeping a small amount of water on the surface of the winter cover is useful to hold it in place, especially in a windy climate. Too much water, however, can put stress on the cover and the pool wall to which the cover is tied. Invest in a submersible pump to help you drain the water from the pool cover. Or you can use the siphon method to remove excess water.