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How to Get Rid of Cloudy Water for an Inflatable Pool After Heavy Rain

When it rains heavily, dirt, minerals and other debris can fall into your pool water. If the water is dark green or cloudy, don't swim in it until you can clean it out and replace the water. Inflatable pools make water replacement a lot easier because they don't hold much water to begin with and are more easily drained than more permanent pool structures. Consider draining and putting away your inflatable pool before a storm so you won't have to go through the process of cleaning it.

Things You'll Need

  • Pool net
  • Pool filter
  • Pool vacuum
  • Water hose
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      Clean the water that is in the pool with a pool net. Use the net to pick up sticks, leaves and other debris that may be contributing to the cloudy appearance of your pool's water. Run a water filter through the pool to remove mineral deposits from the water.

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      Use a pool vacuum to clean any debris that the pool net and water filter didn't pick up. The water should look a lot less cloudy after you do this.

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      Drain and refill the pool. Wait a few minutes after turning on your hose to see if the new water clears up. If it doesn't, repeat the previous steps to get rid of more debris.