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How to Clarify the Muddy Water in a Swimming Pool

Dirt and dust enter a pool through various means: on the feet of swimmers, through rain or storm runoff. Filters work hard every day to keep up with the debris that blows into the pool, but they may not be able to totally clear the water. Often, after the filter removes the larger particles, the water remains cloudy because of the smaller ones. Particles such as these cannot be removed with the filter, extra chlorine or pool shock.

Things You'll Need

  • Submersible pump
  • Water hose
  • Flocculent
  • Pool vacuum
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    • 1

      Turn on the pool pump and filter to aid in removing the dirt from the water. Check the filter often, and clean with fresh water as necessary.

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      Place a submersible pump in the center of the pool on the pool bottom. Heavier particles will sit on the bottom since the skimmer works to keep the top of the pool clean.

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      Turn on the pump to remove the worst of the dirty water. At the same time, place the garden hose in the pool to replace the water that is being pumped out.

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      Check the water for clarity every hour. When most of the dirt is gone, remove the submersible pump from the pool and fill the pool with clean water as needed.

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      Read the label on the flocculent and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage. The flocculent causes the smaller particles that cannot be filtered to group together, making larger particles that can be filtered.

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      Allow the water to circulate for 24 hours.

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      Hook a pool vacuum to the water return per your pool instructions, and vacuum the debris from the pool floor.

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      Repeat the process of running the filter, cleaning the filter, adding the flocculent and vacuuming until the water clears.