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Natural Hot Tub Maintenance

While it is important to keep your hot tub clean and sanitized, some of the chemicals used in eliminating bacteria can irritate your skin, lungs and eyes. Bacteria from the hot tub users' bodies are the primary culprit. A freshly filled hot tub poses little health risk, but those who wish to conserve the water and maintain a healthier environment may need to seek out natural hot tub maintenance methods and treatments to eliminate bacteria.
  1. Basic Cleaning

    • Spa manufacturers offer various chemicals for cleaning your spa, but you often need only gentle cleaners to remove dirt and other residue buildup. Clean the spa shell, pillows and cover with a mild soap or baking soda to remove dirt buildup. Sprinkle baking soap evenly over the spa parts or fill a bucket with water and a few drops of the soap. Scrub off the dirt with a sponge dipped in water or the water-and-soap solution.


    • Spa filters can become clogged with mineral particles, especially if you have hard water. A clogged spa filter can lead to slower water flow to the spa. Clean the filter at least once a month to remove buildup. Rinse the filter with water from a hose to extract the mineral deposits from between the filter's pleats. Replace the filter as often as recommended by the manufacturer, commonly every three years.

    Chemical Alternatives

    • Instead of using a harsh chemical treatment to keep the water clean and clear, opt for more natural alternative products. A variety of products are available; some contain enzymes that break down contaminants to keep the hot tub clean as long as three months. High-strength hydrogen peroxide -- the 27 percent variety -- is recommended by some hot tub manufacturers as a sanitizer; it's often sold under the name of an oxidizer or shock treatment at pool and spa stores. Other natural sanitizing formulas use minerals and salts to control bacterial growth.


    • Shower without soap before entering the spa and wash your swimming suit only on the rinse cycle to keep detergent and soap residue out of the water. Drain and clean the hot tub as often as once a week, or more if you notice dirt, algae or other buildup. Treat the water immediately after the hot tub is used to kill bacteria before it has a chance to multiply.