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The ClO2 Method of Pool Maintenance

Regular water treatments for swimming pools help ensure pool waters remain clean and germ free. Standard pool water treatments use chlorine chemicals or tablets on a regular basis. The CIO2 method uses chlorine dioxide applications in the place of, or in addition to, standard chlorine treatments. While effective, CIO2 treatments do come with certain precautions.
  1. Pool Maintenance

    • As large masses of water, swimming pools can become ample breeding grounds for bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. Pool maintenance practices create a conditioned pool environment that kills off any existing or acquired contaminants. Chlorine treatments function as a bleaching-type agent with disinfectant properties. Chlorine dioxide — also known as CIO2 — is a compound form of chlorine, but with stronger chemical properties. When maintaining a pool, the water temperature, usage frequency, rainfall patterns and water pH levels determine the amount of CIO2 needed to maintain a safe swimming environment.

    Chlorine Dioxide

    • Chlorine dioxide comes in liquid form and easily dissolves in water. Chlorine dioxide’s solubility rate is 10 times faster than standard chlorine pool treatments. Once dissolved, the material converts into a gaseous form, which further enhances its chemical properties. Chlorine and CIO2 work well together in cases where a swimming pool has a known contamination problem, or at the start of a swimming season. To determining the amount of CIO2 to use in a pool, apply an initial dose and test to see how much remains in the water after a specific period of time. The point at which no evidence of CIO2 exists indicates how long a particular treatment dosage will last.

    Disinfectant Properties

    • The disinfecting properties found in CIO2 make for an effective pool cleaner. CIO2’s chemical interactions with contaminants have an oxidizing effect on fungal, bacterial and viral organisms at the cellular level. Once dissolved, CIO2 molecules interrupt cellular activities within organisms by altering their cell structures. It does this by swapping electrons with the individual atoms that make up an organism. In the process, an organism’s cell membrane and internal cell functions begin to malfunction as a result of the cellular breakdown caused by the electron exchanges. In effect, CIO2 prevents organisms from manufacturing the proteins they need to survive and grow. CIO2 interactions also block off an organism’s oxygen supplies.


    • Unlike standard chlorine applications, the CIO2 method maintains its effectiveness within a wide range of pH levels. A pool’s pH level shows acidity versus alkaline (or salt) concentrations. Standard chlorine chemicals begin to lose their effectiveness as alkaline levels increase. Because water eventually breaks down the chemical structure of any solvent, CIO2’s chemical properties allow it to maintain its physical structure for longer periods of time. And while CIO2 works best in cold water temperatures, it can still act as an effective cleaner and disinfectant under warm conditions.

      CIO2’s effectiveness as a pool cleaner does come with certain costs. CIO2 applications can cost as much as five to 10 times more than standard chlorine treatments. In addition, CIO2’s presence as a gas within the pool water means gaseous vapors can escape into the air. Within a sealed pool area, air-vapor concentrations can absorb into the skin and eyes, causing irritations. At a 10 percent concentration, CIO2 gases become explosive within a sealed environment.