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How to Test HDPE Liner Welds

No adhesive, tape or glue can provide a permanent, watertight bond between polyethylene materials. The chemical composition makes it resistant to such methods. A fusion weld is the best tool for creating a watertight bond. The fusion welding process joins two like surfaces by generating heats intense enough to melt the materials together. This method is responsible for joining high-density polyethylene materials, which line pools and other containers. New bonds should be tested before large quantities of fluids are added to the containers so issues can be addressed without wasting supplies.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Light-colored rag or towel
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      Perform a visual inspection of the weld. Be attentive to rips or gaps around the weld, as these will need to receive fresh welds. Run a finger along the weld itself. Ensure the two high-density polyethylene sheets are joined in a continuous straight line.

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      Pour water into a bowl. Add droplets of food coloring to the water. The color selection should be noticeably different than the liner itself. Stir the water until the color is uniform throughout.

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      Drape the liner over supports. These supports could be sawhorses, benches or furniture. Reposition the liner so the weld hangs below the rest of the liner. Place a white rag or towel beneath the weld.

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      Pour the colored water preparation into the liner. Tug on the liner to have the colored fluid run along the weld. Watch the towel for any signs of leakage.