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The Negative Effects of Salt Water in an Above Ground Pool Splashing Out on Rigid Walls

Salt water can have seriously corrosive effects compared with tap water, but the level of corrosion and damage depends on the material affected. Concrete and other rock-based materials are more resistant to corrosion, but salt water may still affect them. Metallic materials will quickly rust and corrode when splashed with salt water, so these materials should be kept away from above-ground pools. Over time, scale may build up on walls and require occasional cleaning.
  1. Corrosion

    • According to West Virginia University, experts seem to disagree about the effect that salt water may have on concrete materials. Over long periods of time, the salinity may contribute to the degradation of the concrete, but in general it is resistant to corrosion. Other materials, such as fiberglass and plastic, are also quite resistant to salt but may be affected over the long term. There's no doubt that metal will degrade in response to salt water splashes. If metal parts are present near the salt water pool, cover them with plastic or another salt-resistant material.


    • Scale, which are deposits of calcium and other mineral salts, are likely to occur in places that have a lot of contact with pool water. The white or black and crusty buildup may appear on walls that are constantly splashed from the pool. To prevent this from occurring, occasionally rinse the wall with tap water, using plenty of pressure. Use a sharp tool such as a knife to remove the scale, or apply muriatic acid to burn it off.


    • If excess amounts of water are splashed out of your salt water pool, more fresh water must be added, resulting in lower salt levels. Always monitor your salinity levels with a salt tester to determine if it is at optimal levels. An ideal level is 4,000 parts per million (ppm), or at least 2,500 ppm. These levels will ensure that an adequate amount of chlorine is present in the pool for disinfection.

    Benefits of Salt Water Systems

    • While corrosion and scale can be a concern with salt water systems, the system still offers a number of benefits. Salt water systems may be easier to maintain, as they only require occasional additions of salt. They do not require large amounts of chlorine, which can be irritating to the body and carries possible health risks. Salt water pools are more pleasant for the eyes, skin and hair and are just as effective as other chlorination systems in dealing with bacteria and algae.