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What Can You Put in a Hot Tub to Soften the Water?

Keeping your hot tub clean and preventing problems with mineral buildup is a matter of maintaining proper alkalinity, hardness and pH. If you have hard water -- water with high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium -- you have to perform extra maintenance on your hot tub to keep it in optimal condition.
  1. Alkalinity

    • The alkalinity in your hot tub should ideally remain between 80 to 150 parts per million. Alkalinity is the ability of the water to neutralize acids, which aids in keeping the pH at appropriate levels. If your alkalinity gets too high or low, calcium deposits can form on the walls of the hot tub. Products to adjust the alkalinity include Hot Tub pH Plus, Hot Tub pH Minus, pH/Alkalinity Up and pH/Alkalinity Down. Ideally, you should always keep both increasing and decreasing alkalinity products on hand.

    Calcium Levels

    • Calcium levels in the water fluctuate, depending on whether you have hard or soft water. Soft water has lower levels of calcium, while hard water has excessive amounts. The ideal calcium level for the water is between 200 and 400 parts per million. If your calcium levels are too low, corrosion may occur. If they're too high, the water appears cloudy and results in deposits on the shell, filter and piping. Use Hot Tubs Hardness Plus to increase the calcium or Hot Tub No Scale to decrease it.

    pH Level

    • The pH level of your hot tub is one of the most important levels to maintain. It should remain in the range of 7.2 to 7.6, which is slightly acidic. Improper pH levels contribute to skin and eye irritation and plumbing erosion. Use products such as Hot Tub pH Plus or Hot Tub pH Minus to adjust the pH levels. Adjusting your alkalinity level before the pH may get your pH in the appropriate range and should be done before adjusting the pH, or you risk throwing it outside of the acceptable values.


    • Hard water is also notorious for having high levels of metals, which cause both oxidizing and scaling on the hot tub. Products such as Stain & Scale Preventer eliminate green, black or brown water due to iron or magnesium and prevent corrosion, which may be caused by excess metals in the water.