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How to Drain Water From Concrete Pool Decks

Concrete pool decks may be plain or stylish, narrow or expansive, but they must all drain efficiently to avoid the growth of algae and avoid erosion. Falling leaves, overhead birds and spilled food make drainage away from the pool a necessity. A brush broom and squeegee might push water off the deck, but there are less labor-intensive methods to keep water from draining back into your pool. Move water away by grading concrete decks properly -- or by adding texture to an existing surface.

Things You'll Need

  • Topography map for your yard
  • Tape measure
  • Stakes and string
  • Shovels
  • Clean fill
  • Gravel
  • Push broom
  • Masking plastic and painter's tape
  • Power-washing set
  • TSP or paint remover
  • Buckets
  • Rags and brushes
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Concrete primer and fiberglass patching tape
  • Polymer patching concrete
  • Wood and metal floats
  • Hammer or mallet
  • Chisel
  • Heavy-duty masonry saw
  • Driveway squeegee or other tool
  • Gloves
  • Safety glasses
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  1. Establish Grade

    • 1

      Excavate or fill the ground around the pool so that it falls away from the pool sides at a slope of 1/4 inch for every foot of distance, also called a 2-percent slope. Pound a stake in at poolside and at the outer limit of the deck, and tie a string between the two to establish the slope. Compact the soil so that its surface lies 12 inches below the pool coping at the side of the pool.

    • 2

      Move the string up 6 inches. Fill the deck space with 6 inches of gravel. Compact the gravel and allow it to settle overnight, then fill any low spots and compact the gravel again.

    • 3

      Mask the coping around the pool with plastic and painter’s tape to protect the pool against splashes.

    • 4

      Hire a contractor to pour a 4- to 6-inch concrete slab, according to local building-code requirements. Ensure that the contractor makes the slab uniformly thick so that it follows the slope.

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      Brush fresh concrete with a coarse push broom to give the deck a rough finish.

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      Cut expansion joints across the dry concrete with a heavy masonry saw. Cut joints so they radiate out from the pool to aid in drainage.

    Add Texture

    • 7

      Clean the concrete deck and remove any oil and grease with a power washer. Use a heavy-duty cleaner such as trisodium phosphate (TSP) for heavy stains -- and apply a low-VOC paint stripper according to package directions to remove any paint or surface sealer on the concrete.

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      Remove unsound concrete with a mallet or hammer and chisel. Clean cracks and holes with a power washer, and coat them with concrete repair primer and fiberglass fabric. After the primer dries, coat the primer and fabric with polymer patching concrete.

    • 9

      Insert stakes next to the pool coping and at the outer edge of the pool, and tie strings as guides for 2-percent slopes.

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      Apply the material, starting at poolside in waves, allowing each wave to dry before applying the next that covers the first and extends it out. Start at poolside with a thick coating to elevate the top of the slope. Application instructions might suggest a squeegee, such as for driveway-coating products, but application instructions might vary.

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      Smooth the final coat from the pool to the outer limits of the deck.

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      Color, texture or stamp the coating with dye or with the tool included or recommended in the kit.