Home Garden

DIY: Garden Plan for a Storage Shed

Installing a storage shed in your garden or outdoor space can offer a wealth of practical and aesthetic benefits to a homeowner. It is important to plan out where your new storage shed is going to be set up, as this step will help you identify potential problems before construction begins. Once you have the kind of storage shed you want in mind, you can begin planning where to put it in your garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Graph paper and pencil
  • Measuring tape
  • Storage shed dimensions
  • Calculator
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    • 1

      Measure the outdoor space where you intend to construct a storage shed. Take note of any trees, sizable shrubs or other areas with well-established growth that may interfere with the building of a shed.

    • 2

      Draw a to-scale sketch of the outdoor space you just measured, making sure to pencil in areas of vegetative growth that already are established. Review the existing layout and then draw in where you want the storage shed to go using the dimensions of the shed you have chosen as a guide.

    • 3

      Consider what effect the new building will have on the outdoor space. Will the new shed block sunlight from reaching certain plants? Would it be easier to get to somewhere else? Will it look alright in the position you have it? Is anything blocking the doors or windows? Does the ground need to be leveled? Play around with different layouts during this planning phase to help you make the best decision regarding where to place a new storage shed.

    • 4

      Prepare the site for construction after you have chosen a location for a storage shed. Transplant or discard flowers, shrubs and other vegetation growing where the new shed will be built. Remove trees, stumps or low-hanging limbs that may get in your way during construction and make sure the ground is level.