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Easy-to-Install Lawn Sprinkler Systems

If you live in a region where there isn't always enough rainfall to keep your lawn looking green, and you don't want to be responsible for manually watering your entire yard, a sprinkler system may be the answer. While some sprinkler systems involve complex installation procedures, others are relatively easy to install yourself.
  1. Aboveground Sprinklers

    • One of the easiest sprinkler systems to install is an aboveground system that uses a standard garden hose. These sprinkler systems can use a wide range of sprinkler head types based on the size of the area you need to cover. Automatic timers control the amount of water that the sprinkler delivers. An aboveground sprinkler system also allows you to move the sprinkler head to different parts of the yard, meaning you can water a large area with a single device.

    Underground Systems

    • If you don't want a hose laying across your lawn or to be bothered with moving an aboveground sprinkler, an underground system may be a better fit. However, it will also require more installation work. Digging trenches to install sprinkler lines is the most laborious part of the process. To make it as easy as possible, only dig to a 6-inch depth, which is sufficient for most lines. Plan your lines before digging to avoid unnecessary work, and make a precise diagram of where you run lines so that you'll know where they are in the future.

    Funny Pipes

    • So-called funny pipes are very basic underground sprinkler systems that are easier to install than other types of systems. They use flexible plastic pipes and small, cylindrical heads that are easy to place close to driveways or walkways. Their small size requires less digging, and their small heads mean that positioning them as you bury them up to their heads is an easy task.


    • No matter how simple a sprinkler system installation seems, always read the manufacturer's instructions and consult your local building code office before beginning. Some municipalities require you to file for a permit before installing a sprinkler system. Others make it a legal requirement to check with your local gas utility before digging so as to avoid the possibility of rupturing gas lines. Following instructions and keeping the project simple will ensure that you get a system that provides water for your lawn at a minimal cost and level of effort.