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Concrete Curing Compound Removal

Curing compounds applied to fresh concrete serve to harden the surface and facilitate the drying process. This prevents moisture loss, resulting in stronger concrete. Most curing compounds contain film-forming polymers, which create a seal over the concrete. Remove curing compounds completely before applying coatings or installing tiles with mortar, as the compound prevents these substances from bonding with the concrete. The most thorough method of removing curing compound from concrete is scarification of the layer of concrete penetrated by the compound.
  1. Shot Blasting

    • Shot blasting is one method of removing curing compound from concrete through scarification. The process involves blasting the surface with small steel shot balls at a high speed. This eliminates the entire surface level to a depth of up to 1 inch, including the coating of compound as well as loose debris and cement dust. Shot blasting is used to scarify roads ready for resurfacing. You can hire shot-blasting equipment and operate it yourself, or appoint a licensed contractor to do the work.

    Water Blasting

    • High-pressure water or hydro blasting is a common method of scarifying concrete surfaces, such as paths and roadways. The process uses water jets with pressures of up to 40,000 pounds per square inch, with nozzles that enable the operator to adjust the pressure and flow as needed to remove the top layer. \


    • Physical grinding is a scarification method used to prepare concrete for coating or resurfacing in applications such as garage flooring. This method uses a power trowel that the operator walks behind. The trowel has hard, diamond-faced grinding stones set into rotating plates. This method of scarifying concrete is expensive, but leaves a rough surface, well prepared to accept a new coating.

    Chemical Removal

    • Chemical removal of curing compound from concrete is possible, but the use of this method depends on the reason why you are removing the compound. Most chemical strippers contain acid, which etches into the top layer of concrete and weakens it, making it possible to scrape it off. The chemicals need to be adequately neutralized afterwards, however, before you can install ceramic tiles using mortar. If this is not done, the mortar may fail and the tiles become loose. Take care when using this method to prevent chemical residues from entering groundwater.