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Water Wall Fountain and Plumbing Components

During ancient Greek and Roman times, wall fountains were essential conduits that provided water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. Today, wall fountains serve as elegant fixtures in public and private gardens and courtyards. Despite their different designs, wall fountains have features and plumbing components similar to regular fountains. Retailers and manufacturers offer fountains in varying materials and styles, as well as fountains that are pre-assembled for mounting on wall surfaces.
  1. Materials

    • The materials that comprise wall fountains vary, depending on price. Some wall fountains are made of lightweight fiberglass that mimics heavier materials, such as stone and slate. Others feature metal framing, such as bronze and copper. While most traditional wall fountains are attached to exterior walls and surfaces, indoor wall fountains are also available in various materials and styles. Indoor wall fountains are mounted similar to pictures on a wall, with metal or stone framing. Water runs vertically down a flat surface into a narrow basin or pebbled “beach” located at the bottom of the fixture.


    • Whether the wall fountain is located indoors or outside, it will have a basin of some kind. The size of the holding pool is based on not only water flow but the volume capacity of the recirculating pump. The fountain’s pump channels water from the basin to the top of the wall. Prior to installing the wall fountain, measure the height of the wall to determine the proper size for your fountain’s basin. Ensure that the basin is proportional to the wall’s height and does not appear too large or too small. In addition to appearing balanced with the wall, the basin should be able to hold enough water to produce a visually appealing waterfall.

    Tubing and Piping

    • As the water falls from the fountainhead and into the basin, the recirculating pump collects the water and sends it to the top of the fountain. This submerged pump is connected to piping or tubing hidden inside the wall or masonry units that hold the wall fountain. The submersible pump itself is usually installed in the basin or holding pool. When all of the components work together, water flows out of the fountainhead or spigot at the top of the fountain.

    Additional Features

    • An electrical cord extends from the back of the fountain and lays flat against the wall. This connects the pump to the transformer and the wall fountain’s power source. Some wall fountains come with an electrical connection for added features, such as lighting and remote control via indoor switches. You can also install a three-way valve or water switch for greater control over the water speed and water basin levels.


    • For optimal performance, clean out your wall fountain's recirculating pump every 10 days. Clear away leaves and other debris from the basin to prevent clogs and malfunctions. Likewise, periodically check the fountain’s water tubes. Clogged tubing can also interrupt or prevent water from flowing and draining properly.