Home Garden

Homemade Terra-Cotta Pizza Ovens

A backyard terra-cotta oven cooks anything you can fit in it -- from pizzas and loaf breads to chicken or suckling pig. Use hardwood or charcoal briquettes to infuse your food with a woody aroma, which provides character. Make your own homemade terra-cotta pizza oven when the weather is temperate, not rainy or humid, so the materials can cure safely.
  1. Time Frame

    • You can't build your own terra-cotta oven overnight. Plan to spend two days building the oven from scratch, then at least a week waiting for the earthenware to cure before you can use it.


    • To build the oven, you'll need 8-by-8-by-16-inch cinder blocks for the base and heat-safe firebricks to line the floor of the oven. Wire mesh, chicken wire, a half-barrel such as a large wine barrel and a piece of scrap wood form the oven frame. Adobe soil, cement and water combine to form a terra-cotta paste that should be the consistency of porridge or oatmeal. You'll also need a tape measure, hacksaw, circular saw, wheelbarrow, hoe, work gloves and other small tools.


    • Find a flat site for your terra-cotta oven. Arrange the cinder blocks on the ground to make a base, then cover the base with a layer firebricks. On top of the firebrick base, place three U-shaped layers of firebrick. On top of this, position your half-barrel. Cut wire mesh and lay it over the barrel so the mesh hovers 1 inch above the barrel. Repeat with chicken wire. Mix the adobe, cement and water to the right consistency. Pack this mix through the mesh to form the terra-cotta structure. Place a can at the rear to form a vent and pack the adobe around the can. Once it's packed tightly, smooth the surface with a damp sponge. Fit your door in place. Cover the terra cotta with a damp towel and allow it to cure for one week, misting the towels so they stay moist.


    • When your oven finishes curing, it's time to cook. Remove the can at the rear. Cut wire mesh and place it over the hole to screen out sparks. Build a fire with wood. Your terra cotta can crack during the first run; that's okay. Patch it afterward, using exterior latex paint. Set an oven thermometer inside the oven to track temperatures, since these ovens can run as hot as 700 degrees Fahrenheit.