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How to Install Patio Steps

Building your own patio steps is a simple way to make your patio area more accessible, especially if your yard is sloped. You do not need to have the skills of a master mason to build patio steps -- you simply need to make the proper preparations and follow the correct procedure. After pouring a concrete foundation and laying your first row of bricks or concrete block, the rest of the process should flow smoothly.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray paint or colored chalk dust
  • Hand tamper
  • Level
  • Concrete
  • Screed
  • Mortar
  • Small trowel
  • Brick or concrete blocks
  • Rubber mallet
  • Tile saw
  • Mortar bag
  • Stiff brush
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  1. Making the Preparations

    • 1

      Mark the area where you intend to install your patio steps. Spray paint lines on the ground or sprinkle colored chalk dust in a square or rectangular shape to outline the shape of the steps. One side of the square or rectangle should be formed by the edge of the patio.

    • 2

      Dig a trench inside the area you just marked to a depth of 8 inches. Compact the dirt in the bottom of the trench using a hand tamper and use a level to be sure it is even.

    • 3

      Fill the trench to a depth of 6 inches with concrete. Smooth the surface of the concrete with a screed and allow it to set completely before moving on. The concrete will serve as the foundation for your patio steps.

    • 4

      Mix up a batch of mortar and spread a 1/2-inch layer of it on top of the concrete foundation using a small trowel.

    • 5

      Set your first brick or concrete block in the back corner of the concrete foundation so the back side is flush with the back edge of the trench. Gently press the block into the mortar. Install a second block next to the first, leaving a 1/2-inch gap between.

    Installing the Patio Steps

    • 6

      Continue laying blocks next to each other, leaving a 1/2-inch gap between each pair, until you reach the opposite side of the trench. Lay a level over the top of each pair of blocks to be sure they sit at the same height. Tap the blocks with a rubber mallet to adjust their height, if necessary.

    • 7

      Cut several of your bricks or concrete blocks in two, using a tile saw. Set these halved bricks within reach.

    • 8

      Lay one of the halved bricks directly in front of the first brick you laid inside the trench, leaving a 1/2-inch gap between them. Finish the rest of the row with whole bricks. The bricks in the second row should be centered with the gap between adjacent bricks in the first row.

    • 9

      Fill the entire trench with bricks, alternating between starting each new row with a whole or half brick. When finished, fill the gaps between all the bricks with mortar using a mortar bag.

    • 10

      Spread a 1/2-inch layer of mortar on top of the first layer of bricks. Lay down a second layer of bricks following the same procedure you used to install the first layer. Begin with a half brick in the back corner of the trench and fill in the gaps between the bricks with mortar when finished.

    • 11

      Apply a 1/2-inch layer of mortar on top of the second layer of bricks but leave a portion at the front of the trench uncovered. The depth of this un-mortared area should be equal to the desired depth of one patio step.

    • 12

      Build up your patio steps following the same procedure as before, leaving the designated space open at the front of the trench. Install two layers of brick or concrete block, leaving 1/2-inch gaps between each block and filling the gaps with mortar after completing each layer.

    • 13

      Repeat the process of applying 1/2-inch layers of mortar and building up your patio steps until the top step is flush with the surface of the patio itself. Leave a portion at the front of each double layer uncovered. As you build up your patio steps, the depth of each double layer will decrease.

    • 14

      Wipe away any excess mortar with a stiff brush. Allow the mortar to set for a full 72 hours before using your new patio steps.