Home Garden

How to Make a Six Brick Oven

A six brick stove is a useful camping device for those seeking something more refined than an open campfire. With just a few materials, you can create a stove with high heat and low consumption of firewood. Similar styles of stoves are commonly built in refugee camps for their efficiency and simplicity, according to the Household Energy Network.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • 6 firebricks, 9-by-4 1/2-by-2 inches
  • Wire
  • Wire cutters
  • High heat sealant
  • Flat piece of steel, tin or aluminum, at least 8-by-8 inches
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    • 1

      Clear a space on the ground for the six brick stove. Find a spot on dirt or gravel, without vegetation. Use a shovel to flatten the dirt and tamp it down to make a solid, flat surface.

    • 2

      Set one brick flat on the ground. Prepare to cut one-third off the bottom, using a chisel and hammer. Place the chisel in place one-third of the way in from a short edge. Hit the end of the chisel with the hammer. The brick should break cleanly into one-third and two-third pieces.

    • 3

      Arrange the bricks into a circle, standing on the short ends -- five full bricks, plus the cut brick. Press the bricks together so there are no gaps between them and they make a six-sided hexagon.

    • 4

      Wrap a wire around the lower part of the brick column. Twist the wire ends tightly. Wrap another piece of wire around the center of the column, taking care to include the cut brick. Twist the ends together tightly.

    • 5

      Flip the column over so that the five bricks are touching the ground and the sixth brick, the cut brick, is suspended above an opening. This is where you will feed the fire with kindling.

    • 6

      Pack the cracks in the six brick stove to prevent heat loss. Choose a heat-resistant putty or even mud. Allow the sealant to dry completely, about 40 minutes.

    • 7

      Cut the remaining one-third piece of firebrick into fourths, using the chisel and hammer. Set the pieces equidistant around the opening at the top of the column to support the cooking pot.

    • 8

      Bend the flat piece of metal with the gripper portion of the wire cutters. Bend two parallel sides of the metal in by about 2 inches so they are at a 90-degree angle from the center portion, making a flat arch. Insert the metal into the opening in the brick column.

    • 9

      Start a fire on top of the metal piece and feed the fire as needed. Place a food-filled cooking pot on the top of the brick stove to begin heating.