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How to Install a Plumbing Sand Trap

Clay and other soils with small particles often drain slowly. Compacted or impermeable soil that does not drain well can cause pools of standing water and flooding in low areas of golf courses and yards. Sand traps that contain sand and gravel are trenches that drain water from areas that pool. If you have a few simple tools you can build one. Larger traps will drain more water.

Things You'll Need

  • PVC drain tile, 3-inch
  • Sand
  • Gravel, pea sized
  • Crushed stone or coarse cinders
  • Roofing paper
  • Shovel
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  1. Building a Sand Trap

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      Dig a trench at least 12 inches deep and 6 to 8 inches wide in an area where water is pooling in your yard or along the edge of your basement. You can dig it up to 2 feet deep, but the sand traps need to be at least 4 feet long. Longer, deeper traps will drain more water than short, shallow traps. If possible, build the trap so that the drain tile at the bottom leads water away from the area where water pools.

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      Lay drain tile at the bottom of the trench. A 3-inch pipe is a minimum requirement -- a larger pipe is better. Drain "tiles" are actually porous pipes. They were traditionally made of clay but modern versions are usually made of PVC.

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      Wrap 3 to 8 inches of roofing paper on top of the drain tile. The roofing paper will keep the drain tile from clogging.

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      Cover the drain tile and roofing paper with a 6 to 8-inch-deep mix of 1/2 pea gravel and 1/2 crushed stone or coarse cinders.

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      Lay 3 to 6 inches of inverted sod on top of the mixture of pea gravel, depending on the depth of your sand trap. Inverted sod is sod turned upside down.

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      Cover the sod to the top of the trap with 3 to 6 inches of sand.