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Prayer Rock Garden Ideas for a Yard in the Country

Think of a prayer garden, and chances are you imagine water flowing from a soothing fountain or standing motionless in a reflecting pool. A prayer garden, though, needn't include water, although the elements should be chosen carefully for their calming effects. Just as water is cleansing to the body and prayer is cleansing to the soul, when you enter your prayer garden you want to find features that lift the burdens of your day and not add another item to your to-do list. So choose elements that calm your spirit and help you focus on the moment at hand, and avoid plants and structures that require regular maintenance.
  1. Labyrinth

    • Enter your garden through a labyrinth, and with each meditative step your mind will shed the worries of the day. As you journey to the labyrinth’s center your breathing will relax, tension will melt from your shoulders and your mind will become ready to pray or meditate. To install one on your yard with minimal work, purchase a template painted on weed-blocking fabric. Then place stones on it to create the outline. If you have space for a multiroom prayer garden the labyrinth can occupy one room, or in smaller yards it can be the center of a rock garden with seating around its perimeter.


    • Rest for the body is essential for attaining focused prayer or meditation. A comfortable bench or chair to sit and gaze across the landscape is ideal. Add a small side table for a place to hold a journal, to capture answers that come while you pray or meditate, and a refreshing glass of water. If you prefer to sit on the ground to meditate, consider throwing a few large pillows around your garden, or lay out a mat suited for lying on.

    Cast your Worries

    • An essential element of prayer for many is the transfering of fears and anxieties to God. A unique reminder that you have released the weight of your problem is to write your prayers on smooth rocks with a marker, then place the rocks in a water feature with running water. Over time the water will wash away your words, which may serve as reminder, depending on your spiritual beliefs, that God has worked out the problem. Replace your worries with gratitude. Write what you’re thankful for on slips of waterproof paper and place them in a large bronze bowl. This bowl can become a focal point in your garden, reminding you of the answered prayers or positives in your life.

    Fragrance and Beauty

    • Since plants are used sparingly in a rock garden, achieve fragrance and texture by planting lavender and rosemary around the garden, or in containers. Lavender (Lavandula spp.), thriving in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 10, symbolizes purity. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), thriving in USDA hardiness zones 6 through 10, symbolizes for some that God is faithful to answer their prayers. Rosemary also symbolizes remembrance and friendship. Consider planting low-maintenance African iris (Dietes iridioides) to bring color and beauty to your space. It is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 11.