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How to Seal Coat Asphalt Pavement

Seal coating protects asphalt surfaces by providing a barrier between the asphalt and the destructive effects of sun and water. Sealing asphalt surfaces also extends the lifespan of the surface and improves the appearance by preventing fading and cracking. Asphalt seal coat should be applied once a year. Seal coating is a tedious process because you have to keep off the area for at least 24 hours and it is a messy product to apply, but sealing your asphalt surface yearly prevents larger problems and possibly replacing the entire surface later.

Things You'll Need

  • Cold-patch asphalt
  • Putty knife
  • Stiff bristled broom
  • Garden hose
  • Driveway cleaner
  • Scrub brush
  • Paint stirrer
  • Paint roller
  • Long handle
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      Pull all weeds or grass growing in edges and through cracks.

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      Sweep cracks free of loose material with a stiff bristled broom.

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      Scrub the entire surface with driveway cleaner diluted with water and a scrub brush. Focus on removing all dirt and oil film from the asphalt.

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      Fill small cracks (more than 1/2-inch thick) with cold pour crack filler (cold patch). This type of filler does not require heating. Use a putty knife or a trowel to smooth cold patch over the crack.

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      Leave repaired cracks to dry completely. Check the manufacturer's recommendations for cold patch drying times.

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      Mix the seal coating according to the label's directions. If you have added water and the seal coating seems thick and difficult to spread, add a bit more water. Do this slowly because too much water will make the coating too thin, which will cause the coating to wear prematurely.

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      Turn the can upside down once mixed and let it stand for a few minutes and then turn it back over and mix with a paint stirrer.

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      Pour enough seal coat to cover a 20-square-foot area onto the back section of the asphalt surface.

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      Roll the seal coat onto the surface using a large paint roller attached to a long handle (like a broom handle) working backwards so you aren't walking over the sealed surface. Overlap your strokes and use long passes to give a smoother finished look.

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      Leave the seal coat to dry for 24 to 48 hours, depending on weather conditions.

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      Apply a second coat to new asphalt surfaces for deep penetration of the seal coat. Surfaces that have been previously sealed do not have to have a second coat.