Home Garden

Octo Paver Ideas

Paving stones are a simple and customizable way to designate walkways, borders or patio spaces in your landscape. If simple square tiles or mismatched asymmetrical pavers aren't satisfying your style, consider octo-pavers as an eye-catching alternative. Octo-pavers are small octagon-shaped pavers that feature a small square block on one edge so that the finished tiled look combines two shapes: the octagon and the small square spacer tiles.
  1. Backyard Patios

    • Octo-pavers create distinctive patios for your backyard landscape. Laying out octo-pavers in a large, expansive space creates a honeycomb or beehive look that adds textural and visual interest to your outdoor space. Choose a color that complements the color of your home's exterior siding for a cohesive look. Most octo-pavers are available in standard colors such as neutral gray, elegant black or classic rustic-red brick shades. A wrought-iron outdoor table topped with an octagon tile mosaic provides a small seating area while carrying the octagon theme through the furniture.

    Framed Walkways

    • Octo-pavers are suitable choices for outdoor walkways or paths because they are durable and visually interesting. One of the challenges of octo-pavers is creating a flat edge that distinguishes the frame of the walkway. To frame your front walk or backyard path, line your octo-pavers with bricks. Bricks simulate the same texture of the octo-pavers for a seamless design, while adding a contrasting shape to the honeycomb design of the pavers. Brick-red octo-pavers are the obvious color choice for pairing with brick, but gray or cream-colored pavers offer a striking color combination for an unexpected contrast.

    Multi-colored Designs

    • Octo-pavers create a distinct design by virtue of their shape, but multi-colored designs create even more dramatic outdoor patios and walkways for your landscape. Some manufacturers of octo-pavers build various colors into the paver itself by topping the square portion with a ceramic tile in a different color; the end result is an area that looks like each paver and tile was placed individually by hand. Another option is to choose several shades of pavers to create rows and columns within the final design to form a zig-zag effect. If you opt for a more complex design, such as concentric circles or colored mosaics, lay out the octo-pavers first before you secure them into the ground in case you need to make adjustments.