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How to Keep the Sand in the Spaces Between Pavers

The key to a low maintenance and durable paver installation is proper preparation and technique. Poorly installed pavers will move apart over time due to weather and wear. Poor installation will also allow the binding sand in the space between pavers to wash away, worsening the appearance and durability of the surface. Proper preparation and construction of a paved surface will keep this sand in place and keep the surface solid and good looking for years.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Shovel
  • Compacting machine
  • Rough gravel
  • Rake
  • Edge restraints
  • Coarse sand
  • Pavers
  • Fine sand
  • Push broom
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      Measure the length and width of the area to be paved using the measuring tape. Multiply these measurements to determine the area to be paved, then divide this area by the area of a paver to obtain a rough estimate of the number of pavers needed.

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      Use the shovel to remove dirt to a depth of 2 inches plus the thickness of the pavers. Use a compacting machine to make one circular pass over the excavated area to firm the ground.

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      Spread the gravel over the excavated area to an even thickness of 1 1/2 inches. Use the compacting machine in a circular motion to reduce the gravel to a 1-inch layer. Place edge restraints along the borders of the excavation to keep pavers from shifting after installation.

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      Spread a layer of coarse sand over the compacted gravel to a thickness of 1 inch. Use the back of a rake to level the sand. Lay the pavers in the desired design, starting from one corner and working outward. Use the compacting machine to do a circular pass over the installed pavers.

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      Spread the fine sand evenly over the pavers. Use the push broom to brush the sand into the spaces between the pavers. Remove any debris from the now paved area.