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Problem With Clay Soil Pavers

Installing pavers over clay soil can be problematic because water runoff can become trapped and eventually cause the pavement to shift and buckle as the water repeatedly freezes and thaws.
  1. Benefits

    • The benefits of installing brick or concrete pavers have to do with their ability to move, since no mortar is present. As the soil expands and contracts, the pavers do likewise.


    • Clay soil is compact and less permeable to water. In addition, it doesn't drain well if it becomes saturated. Over time, the movement of the pavers can cause the surface to become uneven. Installing pipes and infiltration trenches can improve drainage.


    • While individual pavers can be taken out and reinstalled or replaced, another solution is to pave the area with concrete and use permeable pavers over the outer edges and bioswales. This slows runoff from the pavement and allows it to drain between the pavers and into a bioswale, a landscaped channel that is sloped and planted. The bioswale takes the place of drainage pipes and allows the plants to filter out soil and pollutants.