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How to Lay Asphalt Paving

Asphalt is a relatively inexpensive choice to pave the driveway or walkway outside your home and properly installed asphalt can last for decades. Like many building projects, the longevity of an asphalt paving project lies in the foundation. Only with a properly prepared base can asphalt support the weight of vehicles and people over a long period of time. Using proper techniques to excavate, lay a base and finally add the asphalt will ensure a resilient paving project.

Things You'll Need

  • Marking paint
  • Shovel
  • Tape measure
  • Tamper or compactor
  • Geo-tech fabric
  • Gravel
  • Asphalt
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    • 1

      Map out the area in which you want to install your asphalt. Use marking paint or wooden stakes tied together with nylon cords to create a guideline that shows where you will install the asphalt.

    • 2

      Dig out your installation area to a depth of 20 inches. Use a tape measure to keep an even depth across the entire installation area. The soil you reach will be firmer and relatively compact, providing a strong base for your asphalt.

    • 3

      Tamp down the soil surface with a hand tamper or plate compactor to create a solid base. Use a level to make sure the soil is completely flat at all areas.

    • 4

      Cover the excavated area with geo-tech fabric, also called filter fabric or landscaping fabric. This fabric prevents weeds from growing up into the asphalt and helps rainwater drainage.

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      Add a 10-inch layer of gravel to the excavated trench, working in multiple thin layers. Pour a 2-inch layer of gravel, spread it out evenly over the entire surface with a shovel or hoe and then compact it or tamp it to keep everything level. Add four more 2-inch layers, compacting each, until the gravel reaches 10 inches thick. The gravel aids in drainage and also helps to support the pressure that will be placed on the asphalt.

    • 6

      Measure in 6 inches from each edge of the excavated area and mark this location with marking paint. The gravel must extend further than the edge of the asphalt for best support. You will only install asphalt to the marked lines.

    • 7

      Pour the asphalt over the surface, filling only to the marked lines. Use the same procedure you used for the gravel, laying thin layers and compacting each, until you fill the excavated area. The asphalt should sit ¼ to ½ inch above the surrounding ground to allow for drainage. Continue until the area is completely covered. Follow manufacturer's instructions regarding how long to avoid traffic on the new asphalt.