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How to Fix an Uneven Interlocking Brick Drive

Interlocking bricks are often used to create beautiful paved surfaces, strong enough to support most residential vehicle traffic while offering a patterned look that stands out from the dull gray of traditional concrete. Over time, pavers can become uneven, usually as the result of a shift in the soil beneath the bricks. Repair is fairly simple, but time-consuming, requiring the removal of the offending bricks and the resetting of the sand base the bricks rest upon. After the repair is completed however, you'll have your drive back, a smooth and even expanse of brick pavers just like the day it first was laid.

Things You'll Need

  • Pry bar
  • Water hose
  • Masonry sand
  • Rake
  • Plate vibrator
  • Joint sand
  • Broom
  • Tamping tool
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      Wedge a thin pry bar into the joint between two pavers until you reach the paver bottom. Lever the paver up from its placement until you can grasp it with your hand and lift it free. Continue until you remove all the pavers from the affected area of the drive. If the problem is widespread, remove the entire paved surface, paying attention to the pattern used in paver placement.

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      Wet the surface for easier leveling, using the water hose. Add just enough water to dampen the sand, stopping short of saturation.

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      Add a thin layer of screened sand on top of the wet sand to fill any voids created from sand loss since the first placing of the drive. Use a rake to smooth the sand across the drive's surface. Break down any high points and fill any depressions in the surface when leveling.

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      Run a plate vibrator over the leveled sand to pack it tightly. A loose surface will shift beneath the pavers, knocking them back out of level once you replace them.

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      Sink pavers slightly into the sand, and butt the interlocking joints together tightly. Place a carpenter's level over the pavers as you're placing them to ensure that the surfaces are even. Adjust uneven pavers by tapping high pavers further into the sand bed with a rubber headed mallet, or by placing additional sand beneath low pavers to raise them to the level of the surrounding pavers.

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      Spread joint sand over the pavers and sweep the sand into the paver joints with the broom. Tamp down the pavers with a tamping tool to make certain the pavers are securely placed and to settle the sand into the joints. Spread a bit more joint sand over the pavers and fill the spaces in the joints left by the settled sand. Tamp a second time and repeat to make certain the joints are stuffed.

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      Sweep any remaining sand from the drive with the broom. Wet down the surface with the water hose to further settle the sand.