Home Garden

Outdoor Paver Ideas

If you have pavers left over from a project, make use of them in another outdoor project. There are numerous things you can do with pavers outside, adding borders and visual interest to your landscape setting. Pavers come in different shapes, styles and colors. Choose pavers that match the color of large garden stones or the brick of your house.
  1. Walkways

    • Make a walkway with the pavers. You can create a walkway to your front door, back door, around your house or simply a paver path through the garden. Plant flowers along either side of the path.


    • Create an outdoor patio with pavers. Use it as an extension of your home or make it separate from you home and surrounded by a garden. You can even make several small patio spaces throughout your yard or garden. Join them together with a paver walkway, creating a winding garden trail complete with small patio rest areas.


    • Prop pavers on their side and push them slightly into the dirt to create borders. Surround garden beds or walkways to close them in and prevent the spread of grass or weeds into the areas.


    • Make small garden embankments with the pavers. Create a "step" formation down a small hill and build pavers up the sides. Plant various flowers and native plants in the top layers of soil. Fill in open spaces and around the pavers with a mossy ground cover. The combination of paver stones, flowers and other plants make an interesting focal point in a garden.

    Garden Centerpiece

    • Create a garden centerpiece of potted plants. Plant a variety of plants in pretty outdoor pots and place them on sets of pavers that are stacked to different heights. Make a circle with the pots, putting the center pot on the highest stack of pavers. Make each proceeding circle one level lower than the one before, until the last circle of pots is on the ground.