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Homemade Deicing Solution

Ice can freeze on the windshield and obstruct vision. Icy walkways and driveways can cause people to slip, leading to injury. Plenty of commercial deicers sit on shelves, but several common products also serve as deicers when combined with water. However, some of the homemade solutions contain chemicals that can cause health hazards.
  1. Basics

    • Always label the container with the homemade deicer name. Scrape off the ice with a windshield ice scraper after applying the homemade deicer. People without an ice scraper can use a credit card or another firm, flat object. Try to place the scraper deep under the ice and push the scraper across the surface. Use a shovel to deice the ground.

    Rubbing Alcohol

    • Combining one part water with two parts rubbing alcohol (also called isopropyl alcohol) will make the ice easier to scrape off. Some commercial deicers have the same components. Rubbing alcohol is a colorless liquid that is a potential fire risk. Those exposed to the chemical for long periods will experience irritation of the throat, nose and eyes. Exposure can also cause central nervous system depression. Serious, long-term exposure can cause dry and cracked skin.

    Dish Soap

    • Rubbing alcohol and a little dish soap will take off the ice, especially when applied with a spray bottle. Dish soap is a surfactant, a substance that reduces surface tension and aids water in washing the ice off the car. The dish soap does not affect the viscosity of water except in high concentrations. Viscosity is the resistance that a substance has to flow.


    • People can create more powerful deicers with commercial, undiluted antifreeze, water and rubbing alcohol. Use two parts antifreeze, nine parts water and nine parts rubbing alcohol. Apply with a spray bottle. Antifreeze is usually an ethylene glycol material. It has additives that prevent corrosion and keep materials it touches lubricated. Antifreeze is very poisonous and dogs and cats often try to drink it. Antifreeze can cause kidney failure even in small amounts, so owners should keep the antifreeze sealed when not using it.


    • Combining equal amounts of vinegar and water will create a less potent deicer. For very thick ice, use 60 percent vinegar. Vinegar is a weak acid created from fermented sweet cider, which creates a beverage called hard cider. People then ferment the hard cider to create vinegar. Vinegar is a nontoxic alternative to other deicing methods. In fact, vinegar is good for the heart.