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How to Make a Hexagonal Rock

Whether you are interested in learning to work with stone or you have specific decorative goals, creating a hexagonal piece of stone is a project that makes interesting but fairly simple use of geometry and rock-cutting skills. An excellent situation in which you can use this technique is to cut hexagonal flagstones. Hexagons can fit together without gaps or overlaps in all directions for any distance across a flat surface, so they are useful as decorative pavers.

Things You'll Need

  • Flagstone or flat rock
  • Safety goggles
  • Leather gloves
  • Chalk compass
  • Ruler
  • Chisel
  • Mallet
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    • 1

      Set the chalk compass to the distance you want between the center and points of the hexagon. Draw a chalk circle on the stone and mark any point on the circle as the first vertex of the hexagon.

    • 2

      Set the compass on the first vertex and use it to draw a mark that intersects the circle further on to create the second vertex. Set the compass on the second vertex to draw the third, and continue in the same manner until there are six vertices. Draw chalk lines to connect the six vertices and form the outline of a hexagon.

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      Put on protective goggles and gloves.

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      Score the edges of the hexagon with the chisel by dragging the chisel against a ruler along each edge, pressing firmly. Extend each line until both ends reach either another score line or the edge of the rock. If possible, score each line all the way around the rock, not just on the top.

    • 5

      Place the tip of the chisel into one of the score lines and tap it gently with the hammer, then move it up 1 inch to 2 inches and tap it again. Continue tapping along the whole line until the stone breaks along the score line. Repeat this procedure to cut each side of the hexagon.