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How to Make an Asphalt Speed Bump

Building a speed bump on a driveway can help deter speeding drivers and increase pedestrian safety. While several materials, from concrete to rubber, can be used to build speed bumps, asphalt is less daunting for a do-it-yourselfer while still providing excellent durability.

Things You'll Need

  • Jackhammer or tack emulsion
  • Lawn roller
  • 2- by 4-inch lumber (optional)
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    • 1

      Key the pavement surface by making a 2-inch notch around the perimeter of the planned speed bump with the jackhammer. Alternatively, apply tack emulsion to the paved surface. This will ensure that the speed bump stays put and cannot be shifted by snowplows or other means.

    • 2

      Lay a 2-inch layer of asphalt the size of the base of the speed bump. This is where the speed bump will be largest, so cover the entire area. For longer speed bumps, laying a 2 by 4 along the ground on either side can help keep it straight.

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      Compact the asphalt with a water-filled lawn roller.

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      Continue laying 2-inch layers of asphalt, compacting and shaping the speed bump into a raised half-circle as you go, until you reach the desired height.