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How to Gravel an Oily Driveway

Oil and stone driveways, also referred to as tar and chip driveways, have the appearance of a gravel driveway without the frequent maintenance. A thin layer of hot oil is laid as a base under gravel. Once the oil cools it hardens to the gravel to form a solid surface. The process of laying gravel over oil requires special equipment to ensure an even application. Do-it-yourselfers should rent the necessary equipment, and take proper safety precautions when working around hot oil.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy roller
  • 3/4 inch aggregate
  • Rake
  • Asphalt sprayer
  • RC-250 oil
  • Gravel chips
  • Shovel or spreader truck
  • Loose gravel
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    • 1

      Compact the driveway dirt bed with a heavy roller. Make several passes over the site until the dirt feels solid beneath the machinery.

    • 2

      Fill 8 inches of the site with 3/4 inch aggregate, and rake it into the corners and sides. Shift the aggregate into a slope starting at the curb side of the driveway. It should slope an inch down for every feet of length toward the street. Go over the aggregate base with the roller.

    • 3

      Spray the aggregate with hot RC-250 oil, which contains a mix of asphalt and aggregate oil. You'll need 50 gallons for every 100 yards of driveway surface. Spray a coat 3/8- to 1/4 inch thick.

      (see ref 1)

    • 4

      Pour chips of gravel over the oil while it's still hot and tacky. Use a shovel and rake to spread the gravel over a small driveway or rent a spreader truck for a driveway of length. Compact the gravel chips into the oil with the roller.

    • 5

      Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 to apply a second coat after the first coat has set for 24 hours. Wait another day for the second coat to set.

    • 6

      Pour a 2-inch thick layer of loose gravel over the entire driveway and rake it even. The loose gravel will protect the oil base from daily wear and tear. Plan to rake the loose gravel into place every few months as it shifts out of place.