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How to Clear Solid Ice From a Driveway

The look of a snow as it falls and accumulates may add softness and romance to the landscape. However, as outdoor temperatures rise during the day and fall to below freezing at night, that pretty white covering can develop a treacherous underpinning of ice. Such melting and freezing after a great snow event can result in a practically solid sheet of ice in your driveway. Unless you are willing to wait for it all to melt, clearing the ice is a must.

Things You'll Need

  • Rock salt
  • Shovel
  • Ice chipper (optional)
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      Clear away as much snow as possible from the area. Removing the snow allows you to apply the rock salt directly to the ice. This, in turn, will allow the salt to work more efficiently.

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      Spread a thick layer of rock salt across the driveway. If your driveway is fully covered in ice, you may have to work in sections -- that is, apply salt to one section and allow the ice to clear, so you can safely step onto the driveway to work on other sections.

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      Check the ice to see how it is melting. In some areas of the drive, a thick layer of salt will melt the ice down to the pavement straightaway. Other spots on the driveway may melt only partially, requiring more salt.

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      Break up and clear away stubborn ice with the shovel. Break the ice into pieces small and light enough to pick up with a shovel, then pick them up and deposit them on the tree lawn or at the curb, if possible. Your objective is to be sure to clear the ice from the driveway completely, so that it does not melt and reform the next day. If you encounter chunks of ice that are still too frozen to be broken up, apply more salt to hasten melting, then try to break up the chunk once more.