Home Garden

How to Clear Snow From Long Driveways

Removing snow from a driveway is a labor-intensive, but necessary task, especially if your house is set far back from the road. The sooner snow is cleared the better, as it gets heavier the longer it sits. Whether you use a dedicated snow plow or an attachment that hooks up to the lawn mower or truck, plowing the surface saves you time and significant labor.

Things You'll Need

  • Plow
  • Shovel
  • Snow blower
  • Sand
  • Seed spreader
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    • 1

      Secure the plow to your truck or mower according to the product instructions. If possible, do this before the snow is projected to fall. Lower the plow so the bottom touches the pavement. Check the blade to make sure the plow isn’t too low or it can scrape and damage the pavement.

    • 2

      Drive down the center of the driveway with the plow turned at a 45-degree angle to push the snow toward the side. Once you reach the end of the driveway, push the snow in the plow off to the side of the driveway either near the garage or curb, depending on which side you started from.

    • 3

      Turn the plow at a 90-degree angle and push the snow from the end of the driveway into a bank. Continue to clear the end until there’s a section wide enough to turn around.

    • 4

      Drive the plow to one side of the cleared center path and set the plow at 45 degrees. Drive slowly to clear a wider path, pushing the snow off to the side. Turn the plow at 90 degrees to push snow at the end of the path off to the side and not onto the garage or street.

    • 5

      Turn around and repeat Step 4 on the other side of the center path.

    • 6

      Plow any remaining piles of snow from the surface with another trip down the length of the driveway. Clearing the snow as thoroughly as possible prevents it from icing up when temperatures drop at night.

    • 7

      Push a shovel or leaf blower down the sides of the driveway to clear off any snow drifts.

    • 8

      Spread a generous layer of sand over the driveway from a seed spreader to offer traction for vehicles.