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Making a Brick Path With Concrete

Brick pathways are a very common way to join spaces. The construction is basic, they are easy to make as either a straight line or curve, and you have a lot of options for design. Using concrete in the brick path allows for easier construction as bricks are not required to be uniform in dimensions. The concrete will allow it easier to level the tops of bricks as a slightly higher brick can easily be pushed into the concrete before it dries. A standard brick and concrete path involves placing bricks in a box shape and filling in the center with concrete and repeating that pattern the length of the path.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Broom
  • Hose
  • Bricks
  • String
  • Pegs, 12-inch
  • Wood strips, 1-by-2 (formwork)
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Level
  • Trowel
  • Tape measure
  • Clamps
  • Wood screws, 2-inch
  • Sand
  • Concrete
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  1. Making the initial path

    • 1

      Mark the location for the finished path. Excavate the ground to a depth 2 inches deeper than the width of brick you are using. Make sure the excavation is a few inches wider than the proposed path to allot for work space.

    • 2

      Place a string line showing the proposed height and width of the finished path. Offset the string-lines 1-inch to each side of the proposed path to allot for the formwork. Formwork is the name for the temporary wood you use as a guide and to hold the structure in place until the materials are set.

    • 3

      Starting at one end of the path, use a hammer to place pegs into the ground outside of the string lines. The pegs should be hammered down until they are the same height as the string. Space pegs 3-feet apart.

    • 4

      Clamp the 1-by-2 formwork to the inside of the pegs. Use a level or flat board to ensure the formwork is flush to the top of the pegs. Screw each peg into the formwork. Remove the clamps after screwing the wood together.

    Laying the foundation

    • 5

      Measure the depth of the ground to the tops of the formwork. Make any digging adjustments so that the ground is excavated to a depth 2 inches deeper than the width of brick you are using along the entire path within the formwork.

    • 6

      Spread a thin cover of sand (aggregate) over the excavated area.

    • 7

      Make a screed board that will slide up and down the formwork to even the concrete bed to the required height. The top board will be 8-inches longer that the span between the formwork. Use screws to attach a board underneath that is as wide as the bricks you are using and the same length as the distance between the formwork.

    • 8

      Mix enough concrete to pour a bed up each side of the path for the bricks to sit in. The consistency of the concrete should be enough to hold the weight of the bricks but still allow a brick to be pushed in a small amount.

    • 9

      Dampen the work area and sand with a fine spray from the hose. Pour the concrete. Use the screed board by placing it upon the formwork and sliding it along to even out the concrete for a smooth surface. The concrete should be even and smooth but does not need to be perfect as you will lay bricks on it.

    • 10

      Use a single brick to check the consistency by setting a brick in place. If the concrete is too soft wait and let it firm. If the consistency is correct then it is time to lay the bricks.

    • 11

      Lay the bricks on the screeded concrete. Push the bricks on the outside firmly against the formwork. Arrange bricks in whatever type of pattern or design you prefer. Use a level or flat piece of wood to ensure uniform height.

    • 12

      Leave adequate space in the center of each brick design to pour concrete. After the bricks are placed let the concrete harden overnight

    Filling in the gaps

    • 13

      Dampen the work area and bricks with a fine spray from a hose. Mix enough concrete to fill the middle cavities. Pour concrete into the middle cavities. Wipe off any spilled concrete on the brickwork with a damp cloth or sponge before it sets.

    • 14

      Use a trowel to smooth over the concrete by placing the blade flat against the surface and sweeping in back and forth in smooth arcs. Let the concrete dry a short time and re-trowel. Repeat as needed until there is a smooth finish.

    • 15

      Let the concrete set and cure for 3 days. Pour sand over the entire path. Use a broom to sweep the sand into the small gaps and spaces between the bricks. Leave the loose sand on top of the path for two days, brushing it occasionally to add more into the small spaces. The sand will fill and compact between the bricks.

    • 16

      Sweep and clean the pat. Remove the formwork and the pegs from the ground. Use dirt to fill in the holes and spaces where the formwork and pegs were. Take a walk on your newly completed path.