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How to De-Ice a Driveway With Bleach

Bleach is an effective, but corrosive solution to use on ice. In times when the ice is too thick to break up or melt, bleach can break down a thick slab of ice that could otherwise take days or weeks to clear. One of the main considerations when using bleach is the harm it will do if exposed to the pavement and surrounding growth. Use it in moderation and rinse the driveway thoroughly once temperatures rise above freezing.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Face mask
  • Winter boots
  • Shovel
  • Snow blower
  • Bleach
  • Metal rake
  • Shop broom
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      Put on gloves, a face mask and old clothing to protect yourself from skin irritations and breathing in the harmful chemical. Wear boots with traction to prevent injury when pouring.

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      Remove any loose snow from the surface with a snow shovel or snow blower. Clear a path down the center of the driveway wide enough for a vehicle to drive over.

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      Walk to the street end of the driveway and pour household bleach over the ice. Pour directly over patches of ice. Do not pour near grass, exposed pavement or any plants that people or pets can eat. Tilt the bottle so the liquid comes out slowly to avoid splashing or splattering. Do this at high noon so the sun can speed the melting process.

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      Allow the bleach to sit on the ice for about half an hour.

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      Push the bleach and melted ice toward a street gutter. Use a metal rake to loosen any remaining slabs of ice, and push the liquid toward the street with a large shop broom.

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      Shake sand over the cleared path from a cup to add traction for cars and foot traffic.

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      Rinse the bottom of your boots to avoid tracking bleach onto your floors.