Home Garden

Brick Landscaping Ideas

Bricks provide a traditional and durable way to add outdoor structures to your landscape plans. Bricks come in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes, giving homeowners freedom to create a number of creative patterns. Laying bricks requires less skill than other methods used for building walls or other features in a yard, making it an economical and easy solution to landscape needs.
  1. Walkways

    • Landscapers throughout the years have used bricks to create walkways in outdoor spaces. Brick provides a solid and classic way to make pathways through gardens or from a driveway to a front door. Use the same type of brick, or mix two or more colors of brick to create patterns. Turn the bricks to 45-degree angles to create interesting patterns.


    • Build brick walls for a number of purposes in an outdoor area. Brick walls contain a garden or flower beds, provide extra seating in outdoor eating areas or serve as a solid fence for a yard. If the outdoor space that is being landscaped features a slope, construct retaining walls made of brick, instead of wood or stone. If the wall is for decorative use only, create a grill pattern that features holes throughout the wall; when laying the brick, leave a gap between each brick. Stagger the next layer of bricks so they bridge the gaps from the previous layer, but still feature gaps between them.

    Fire Pit

    • Create a fire pit using fire bricks to add warmth to your outdoor space. Fire pits provide spots where people can gather outdoors in cool weather. The fire pit provides warmth, but it can also be used to roast marshmallows or cook an outdoor meal. Use whatever size or color bricks you choose to create a fire pit, or paint the brick with high-heat-resistant paint. You can create a fire pit that is round, square, rectangular or whatever shape you desire. Design your fire pit to cozily fit four people, or make one that will accommodate large gatherings. Some outdoor spaces are large enough that multiple fire pits make sense.