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Potted Plants for Privacy

Using potted plants for landscaping has several advantages. The layout can be very attractive, plants can be mixed to create a multitude of colors, and using potted plants is relatively inexpensive. Another important benefit is that potted plants can provide a privacy wall to segment parts of the yard or to create a natural barrier between your property and the neighbors.
  1. Plant Considerations

    • Petunia flowers are colorful and grow well in pots.

      If you need a tall screen, bamboo grows quickly and can get well over ten feet tall. You might also want to add some colorful plants that are either added to the same pot or perhaps nestled in smaller pots in front of the bigger pots. Begonia, black-eyed Susan, daisy, impatiens, petunia and zinnia are examples of flowering plants that work either alone in a container or planted with larger, taller plants. Follow the instructions for each plant to determine the soil, water and sun conditions necessary.


    • Container gardening can provide privacy and food for your table. Tomatoes make excellent container plants and some varieties, such as "Spring Giant," will grow several feet tall. Peppers, eggplants, green beans, cucumbers, jalapenos and radishes are all container friendly. Vegetables do need proper moisture and fertilizer to flourish. Follow fertilizer packaging guidelines and water once a day for best results. Also, follow the seed package guidelines for the proper sun and temperature exposure. To create a privacy screen with smaller vegetables such as radishes, the containers can be hung.


    • Berries are also a good choice for container planting. The foliage is often thick and the plants can grow tall, depending on the type of berry you choose. The berries may need the addition of a trellis to hold the weight, which enhances privacy. Blueberries can be purchased in dwarf varieties. One, called "bluecrop," is a variety that is drought resistant, and "sunshine blue" tolerates hotter climates. Raspberries are another choice, as well as strawberries. Strawberries can drape over the pot to create vibrant color and fruit.


    • Grasses make interesting container plants. Consider Andropogon gerardii, a native prairie grass. It is ideal for large containers. It can grow as tall as six feet in warmer zones. The stems are a dark red with red traces in the foliage and narrow shoots. This grass can take full sun or partial shade. It prefers moist soil. Or, if you need a small grass, consider Carex muskingumensis, a dwarf palm sedge. The plant spreads slowly and likes water. The leaves are darker in the shade and lighter in the sun. It grows eight to twelve inches tall.


    • Decide what problem you want to solve. Determine the size area you need to cover. Determine if the privacy border is needed year round. Study the shading in the area and finally, select plants, shrubs or trees to fit the space.