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Arizona Backyard Ideas

Don't let those 100-degree summer months fool you; Arizonians have gorgeous, sunny weather most of the year to enjoy hours outdoors in their backyards. However, desert landscaping can be tricky as lawns and greenery struggle to survive the summer heat. To save water and reduce expense, many backyard designs incorporate gravel in place of grass and cactus or other succulents instead of leafy plant varieties. Whatever flora exterior designers use to survive and thrive in an Arizona backyard, a cohesive design scheme is essential to hold the look together.
  1. Tropical Oasis

    • An in-ground pool is a popular option for year-round fun even on Arizona's hottest days. While a pool will dominate a backyard by sheer size alone, a well planned design scheme will prevent it from looking like just a water-filled cement hole in the ground. Strides have been made beyond the traditional plaster pools, and the pebble or quartz surface options immediately elevate the look to a level of luxury. Surrounding the pool with a deck of Saltillo tile, flagstone or custom-tinted concrete adds a further personal touch. Features like water slides, waterfalls and laminar jets with LED lighting further the ambiance of a lush, tropical paradise. Finish off the look with tropical plant life that can survive through the summers, such as palm trees and flowering hibiscus.

    Southwest Hacienda

    • Between local Native American artisans and the close proximity to authentic Mexican crafts along the border, a true southwestern hacienda design can be achieved. Stucco or plaster embedded with hand-painted Spanish tiles turns the monotony of a cement brick wall into masterpiece.

      Adobe arbors over seating areas and outdoor grills enhance the hacienda look while providing much needed shade. Local cacti and other succulents look best with the adobe style of a southwest hacienda. Be sure to vary the size and shape of the plant life by including a variety of barrel, saguaro and prickly pear cactus. Pebbles in place of grassy areas complement the look. The fluidity of a dry, curving riverbed breaks up the space, and can be used as a barrier to protect people from getting pricked by the cacti. In place of a pool, consider styling the backyard hacienda as a mini-botanical garden with slate paths through the plantings with a misting system to keep guests cool.

    Wild West Ghost Town

    • With over a dozen ghost towns attracting thousands of tourists annually, a backyard designed to look like a reincarnation of the wild west is a fantasy design option for homeowners interested in an extreme look. Functional sheds can be decked out to look like saloons, jails and general stores with weathered boards, fake windows and false fronts to make the structures look two stories tall. Your backyard ghost town immediately takes guests back in time to when cowboys roamed the desert. Scour local flea markets and antique stores for old farming equipment and wagon wheels to lend an air of authenticity to the overall appearance.

      Cowboy-themed playground equipment, like a horse-shaped swing crafted from a recycled tire, draws children outside into imaginative play. A fire pit for the family to gather around to trade tall tales and ghost stories while toasting marshmallows completes the cowboy backyard experience.