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Front Yard Hill Landscaping Ideas

The landscaping in your front yard is important because because the curb appeal of your home affects the value of the property. A front yard on a hill or slope presents particular landscaping challenges, such as maintaining visual appeal, providing safe access to the front door of the house, and managing erosion. These issues can limit your options but can also afford opportunities for creativity. You can take advantage of the steep angle to provide depth and emphasis of natural features. This can maximize the natural setting and enhance your property's value and marketability.
  1. Terraces

    • An attractive solution for a sloping front yard is constructing graduated terraces. These can hold shrubbery and cascading plants for added interest. Terraced planting can also provide privacy from the street, which is a desirable feature for any property. According to the Master Garden Products website, landscaping timber is generally used to create the multilevel walls. The walls must be strong enough to hold water-logged soil and stay in place during freezing and melting. Your community may have building codes that govern the construction of walls and terraces.

    Retaining Walls

    • If your front yard is on a very steep slope, you may need to construct a retaining wall to prevent erosion and control drainage. Retaining walls are made of various materials, including precast concrete blocks, brick or natural stone. A retaining wall will break the visual line and create a pleasant effect for the front of your house. To increase visual appeal, plant evergreens or vines behind the retaining wall.


    • A waterfall can be constructed on a front yard hill to create a dramatic and expensive look for your front yard. The design should be designed initially on paper and then laid out on the ground site. A thick membrane material directs the water and prevents leakage while avoiding erosion of the soil. Various rock sizes should be used to create a natural effect, according to the Free Landscape Ideas website.


    • Decorating a front yard hill with a pathway creates a warmer visual effect than a simple concrete driveway. Materials for your path should be natural-looking and should blend in with the environment as much as possible. Brick, stone, paving stones or mulch can be laid in a pleasant meandering pattern that leads to the front entrance.


    • Plants can help make your front yard hillside a natural retreat from street traffic and can help shield your property from prying eyes. Juniper has an attractive shape that lends itself well to hillside plantings. Pachysandra is an easy-to-maintain ground cover with thick foliage that gives texture and depth to the hillside. Creeping phlox blooms continuously in early spring to give your property a warm and inviting look.