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The Best Dates to Plant Pansies

Pansies (Viola spp.) are short-lived perennial plants that are grown as cool-season annual flowers. Once excessive cold or heat arrives, they are pulled up and composted, and their garden location is filled by other flowers that enjoy in the heat of summer. Plant pansies when your climate consistently provides conditions between 20 and 80 degrees F. Depending on elevation or latitude, pansies festoon garden beds in fall, winter or spring. Only in the coolest summer areas do pansies perform well throughout the summer. Your local plant nursery likely sells pansies during the appropriate planting time in your area.
  1. USDA Hardiness Zones 2 through 5

    • In the North, plant pansies in March or April.

      The United States Department of Agriculture hardiness zones divide geographical regions based on annual minimum winter temperatures. This often correlates to elevation and latitude and provides insight into length of growing season. USDA zones 2 through 5 includes much of Canada and the northern United States. Pansies are typically planted in early spring in places like Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver, Boston and Toronto. They relish the moist, cool soils from March and April until June when temperatures often exceed 80 degrees F. Plants may continue to grow, but flower production stops when temperatures are too hot. High elevation areas in the Rockies or in the northerly Canadian forests may have cool enough summers to sustain pansies well up until the start of winter.

    USDA Hardiness Zones 6 through 8

    • In the South, pansies are sold for fall and spring planting.

      Across the milder winter areas of the United States, in USDA hardiness zones 6b through 8, pansies are often planted in autumn. In Dallas, Atlanta, Seattle, and Richmond, the cold but mild winter temperatures occasionally drop as low as 10 to 20 degrees, allowing pansies to survive since daytime temperatures rebound to above freezing. Pansies continue growing and flowering then through spring. Typically pansies in the American Southeast and mildest areas of the Pacific Northwest are planted in October and November and bloom through May, when heat causes them to become leggy and stop producing blooms.

    USDA Hardiness Zones 9 through 11

    • In L.A. or Florida, plant pansies in December or January.

      In the subtropical and tropical areas of USDA zones 9 through 11, pansies are a winter garden annual. In southern California and the Florida peninsula, pansies are planted from November to January. They bloom nicely until spring when temperatures reliably reach above 80 degrees or sunlight intensity heats the soil too much. Since cool winter temperatures aren't guaranteed, subtropical gardeners may avoid pansies and plant other cool-season annuals not limited as much by warmth.