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How to Adjust a Transit Level

A transit level measures the difference in elevations, whether they involve outdoor landscaping or interior vertical measurements. Different types of transits use various elevation devices for taking the readings. Properly adjusting the transit level is crucial for taking accurate measurements. All transits, regardless of type, must be adjusted in the same manner before use. Failure to adjust the transit so that it is perfectly level will lead to inaccurate measurements.

Things You'll Need

  • Transit tripod
  • Transit
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    • 1

      Extend the legs of a transit tripod and spread them outward. Set the legs into the soil, if practical, making the tripod platform as horizontally level as possible.

    • 2

      Mount the transit onto the tripod platform. A large screw typically holds the transit base on the platform. Tighten the screw in a clockwise direction, securing the transit base firmly to the platform.

    • 3

      Begin to adjust the transit by leveling the two screws, set 180 degrees apart, on the transit base. Orient the transit eyepiece directly over the two leveling screws. Turn the screws simultaneously in a clockwise direction to raise the transit base. As the screws put tension on the transit base, watch the bubble level on the top center of the eyepiece. Adjust the two screws until the bubble sets perfectly in the center of the two level lines.

    • 4

      Rotate the eyepiece over the other set of leveling screws. Adjust the screws until the bubble in the level is perfectly between the two level lines.

    • 5

      Turn the eyepiece slowly, several times, between the two sets of leveling screws. The bubble in the top level must not move when the eyepiece is rotated between the two points.