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Landfill Waste & Plastic Bottles

Manufacturing plastic takes up to 4 percent of the total United States' energy demands. Twenty percent of these plastic bottles are recycled in the U.S., while the other 80 percent end up in landfills. Recycling plastic bottles can help save landfill space.
  1. Composition

    • Plastic bottles are manufactured using polyethylene terephthalate, or PET. The manufacture of plastic bottles also requires the use of nonrenewable petroleum oils, states the Daily Green.

    Landfill Accumulation

    • The Clean Air Council reports that approximately 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away in America every hour. And, according to Earth 911, a total of 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills every day, worldwide.


    • Earth 911 also reports that one pound of recycled PET plastic bottles saves an equivalent of 12,000 BTUs, and 1 ton of recycled plastic bottles clears out an average of 7.4 cubic yards from landfills.