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Remediation Process

The purpose of remediation is to provide a remedy, or to correct a problem or process. Environmental remediation involves contaminant or pollution removal from such environmental elements as surface water, sediment and groundwater in order to safeguard the health of the environment and the human population.
  1. Assessment

    • The initial step in the environmental remediation process involves an ESA, or an Environmental Site Assessment. The ESA is comprised of a real estate holding report indicating existing or potential liabilities of an environmental nature, and may include chemical residues found in structures, mold and mildew assessments, and the classification of hazardous substances found in or around the vicinity of the site.

    Pump and Treat

    • "Pump and treat" refers to a remediation technology that revolves around the pumping out of contaminated groundwater. This pumping is performed via a vacuum or submersible pump. The groundwater that is extracted is processed via vessels that contain materials which isolate and absorb the contaminants.

    Solidification and Stabilization

    • In the solidification process, reagents are added to the contaminated substance in order to add physical stability to the contaminates, which in turn contains them and prevents other agents, such as air, from accessing them. In stabilization, certain reagents are added to the material to create elements that are more chemically stable and less reactive.