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Should I Use Topsoil or Fill Dirt?

The house is built or other major construction project are finished. Deciding whether to fill in excavation areas with fertile topsoil or construction fill depends on your intended use for the area. Topsoil is best for growing any type of vegetation.
  1. Features

    • Topsoil, regardless of your location, is prime growing soil and is of high quality. It contains organic matter and ideal loamy particles that comprise an ideal profile for plant roots. Construction fill contains lots of components -- of low quality -- such as sand, gravel, organic and building debris as well as some native soil with compacted clay bits.


    • If soil is needed merely to cover foundation, develop a hillside grade or driveway base, choose construction fill dirt. If you intend to sustain turfgrass, healthy trees or garden beds, topsoil is the best choice.


    • Tree roots concentrate in the top 2 to 3 feet of soil. So, if cost is any issue, consider using lower-quality construction fill in deep holes or areas and top off with shallower layers of more expensive topsoil. Even 12 to 24 inches of topsoil provides ample environment for plants to grow well.