Home Garden

Neighborhood Home Care

A neighborhood is a shared community in which many people live in close proximity, making proper home care even more important to the pride, appearance and safety of all of the residents. Homeowners themselves and their neighbors each benefit from a house and lawn kept generally clean and in good condition. Maintaining the area prevents accidents, deters theft and can increase the value of homes in the community.
  1. Landscaping

    • Homeowners do not have to invest in expensive plantings and extensive landscaping plans. Neatness counts. As long as you keep the plants and trees properly trimmed and maintained, your house will retain a clean, fresh look. Consult with neighbors regarding plants and trees that grow on or near property lines and negotiate care and upkeep expectations.

    Yard Maintenance

    • Adjust your mowing frequency and grass height to match that of your neighbors and what is called for by the conditions of your area. In upscale areas, a more polished look may be more fitting, while in some locations, longer grass where kids and pets can play is the rule. Pick up litter and pet waste on a regular basis.


    • Create an outdoor area for your pet that offers comfort and allows the pet relaxation. Place pet pens and houses away from property boundaries and common areas such as sidewalks. These steps will help prevent negative interactions between neighborhood pets or pets and people and allow your neighbors to peacefully enjoy their property.

    Personal Belongings

    • Ensure that your children do not leave personal belongings on community sidewalks. To ensure safety for visitors, clear your driveway and property walkways of any obstructions. An outdoor storage chest will help keep toys from being lost, stolen or damaged by weather and will keep your yard looking neat and free of tripping hazards.


    • Arrange for the timely removal of any vehicles or large appliances. Not only are these items an eyesore, they pose a danger to children who may be tempted to play on or around them. Many communities offer a service for appliance removal, and a number of organizations accept cars in any condition as a charitable donation. Retrieve your trash cans for storage as soon as possible after refuse pickup.


    • When undertaking a renovation of your home's exterior, take into consideration the general style and ambiance of neighboring homes. When possible, select paint colors and effects that match the overall tone and appearance of the neighborhood. While you may like an extreme color palette, neighbors may find a loud or less-often-used color offensive. Make repairs to your home's exterior in a timely fashion.